What is Anxiety Gone?

Anxiety Gone is a online mental health and wellness publisher and community, based out of Kitchener, Ontario. Our mission is to offer support for people with mental health difficulties by providing them with a safe space online, coping tools, resources and soothing self-care. We approach mental health and wellness and self-help in a new light because let’s get serious, self care isn’t always bath bombs and spa dates (although, we do love both of those too!) Sometimes, it’s diving into shadow working a journal or working  through painful memories you’ve tried desperately to forget.
And that’s what we’re here to help you with.

Hi, I’m Chantal.

Welcome to Anxiety Gone! As someone who has battled anxiety and panic disorder ever since I was 7-years-old,  it has always been my passion to, one day, help other people struggling so that they too can find the light amidst all of the darkness.  As a young child, I remember distinctly setting up shop at a desk with a notepad and a house phone, begging my parents to put an ad in the newspaper letting other kids know that I’m a phone call away if they’re sad and need a friend.
Yes, true story.
I must have only be 9 or 10 at the time, but this moment defines exactly who I am and why I launched Anxiety Gone. It was always my intention to attend University to become a counsellor or psychologist that allowed me to help people. Little to my surprise, my purpose was to help in a different way… And at 20-years-old, I took the leap to do things a little differently.
Today, Anxiety Gone is a safe, positive self-help platform and mental health and wellness store that offers support to those struggling with mental health difficulties. It’s my mission to inspire people to look fear in the face and ‘step into the yes anyway’, so that they can regain control of their life and ultimately, their happiness.
We originally launched in 2015 and are now a leading mental health brand, store and self-help platform. And I am honoured to have you here. Welcome.

Honourable Mentions

We have had the honour of working with some truly incredible individuals, organizations and corporations. You may have even seen us on Cityline’s top morning talk show or received one of our wellness boxes at an event or as a corporate gift.

Let’s Connect

Shoot us a message at hello@anxiety-gone.com

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