Coping Techniques

waking up with anxiety
Morning Anxiety: Proven Strategies to Start Your Day with Calmness

Morning anxiety can be a challenging start to the day, affecting your mood, productivity, and…

coping mechanisms for anxiety
How to Deal with Anxiety: 13 Coping Methods That’ll Keep You Calm

Anxiety can be more than just a fleeting feeling of unease and it can significantly…

negative thinking
Stopping Negative Self Talk: Your Guide to Kinder Inner Dialogue

In a world where our inner voice can often be our toughest critic, it’s crucial…

5 Tips To Prevent the Negative Effects of Anxiety on Your Health

Anxiety not only impacts your mental health but also, your physical health too. Overtime, untreated…

6 Strategies to Overcome Anxious Emotional Eating

Anxious emotional eating is a coping mechanism where you temporarily fill your emotional needs by…

tapping for anxiety
The Tapping Solution: EFT Tapping Your Way To Healing

EFT tapping is a revolutionary practice that’s like a gentle, soothing hug for your mind…

Holiday Affirmations to Protect Your Peace Throughout The Festivities

The holidays, while brimming with festive cheer, can also bring a whirlwind of emotions and…

how to increase happy hormones
Unlocking the Power of Feel Good Hormones: A Journey to Joyful Living

Welcome to the fascinating world of “feel good hormones,” where joy, happiness, and positivity converge…

seasonal affective disorder
Struggling with Holiday Anxiety? 4 Ways to Survive the Winter Holidays

Navigating the winter season can be tough, especially when you’re grappling with holiday anxiety, seasonal…

mental health and the holidays
8 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health and the Holidays

When the “most wonderful time of the year” becomes the most challenging, it’s okay to…