Overcoming Anxiety

treating addiction, how to overcome addiction
Treating the Chicken or the Egg: How to Overcome Addiction and Anxiety

Having one mental health condition to navigate, like anxiety, is challenging enough, but add in…

Essential Wheelchair Tips for a Healthy Body and Mind

Living with a disability presents its unique set of challenges, and among them, staying active…

10 Coping Skills for Teens to Boost Mental Health & Resilience

During the wild ride of adolescence, teenagers face a whirlwind of emotions, changes, and hurdles…

PTSD assessment, PTSD treatment
The Importance of Early PTSD Assessment in Effective Treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex and often debilitating condition that can develop after…

7 Anxiety Triggers and How to Cope With Them

Anxiety prevents millions of people from leading happy and productive lives each day. In the…

What Is Teletherapy and Is It Right for You?

Mental health and wellness is an ongoing conversation for everyone. Life has ups and downs,…

how opioids affect mental health
How Opioid Medications Affect Mental Health

If we want to understand how opioids affect mental health today, we need to acknowledge…

Exploring the Link Between Anxiety and Intelligence

High intelligence is usually seen as a positive trait that predicts success, happiness, health, and…

Healthy Aging: Eric Kim UBC Discusses Psychological Factors For A Fulfilling And Joyful Life

Embracing the golden years isn’t just about maintaining physical health, it’s also about nurturing a…

How Dental Implants Can Transform Anxiety into Smiles

For a long time, dentistry looked for a natural solution for missing teeth. Fortunately, dental…