In the shadowy recesses of modern society, drug addiction and depression stand as two pervasive and interwoven conditions. Their interaction...
Many associate the dentist's office with shining white teeth and healthy gums. But for too many other people, the mere...
When a partner has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, it can pose unique challenges in a relationship. Although there isn’t a ‘perfect’...
Did you know that nearly 40% of individuals experience social anxiety after undergoing plastic surgery ((American Society of Plastic Surgeons....
You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when it's time for a dental check-up? That knot of...
It is not uncommon for people to be worried about their relationships, but relationship anxiety is a persistent worry that...
Anyone dealing with depression may experience thoughts of suicide. While these feelings can be incredibly painful and overwhelming, they do...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects many children, often causing significant distress and impairing their daily functioning. Children with generalized anxiety...
ABA therapy (applied behavior analysis therapy) is a wonderful resource for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It's backed by...
Depression remains to be a highly prevalent and complex mental health illness, impacting millions of people worldwide. Nevertheless, as we...
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