Overcoming Anxiety

8 Empowering Strategies to Overcome Shame and Seek Support When You Need It

Although shame can be a good thing that helps people behave well in society, it…

addiction recovery, sobriety, substance abuse treatment, addiction treatment,
Understanding Anxiety’s Role In Substance Abuse Recovery

Anxiety and substance abuse individually pose significant challenges. When they intersect, the path to recovery…

anxiety about surgery, surgery anxiety
How to Cope with Surgery Anxiety Before and After a Sedation Procedure

For most people, seeing a doctor is quite a stressful experience, even if we’re talking…

Sleep Position Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Quality Rest

Sleep is a vital part of our daily lives, and getting quality rest can significantly…

facts about mental health
Mental Health Myths and Facts: Dispelling Common Misconceptions

In today’s era of abundant information and increasing awareness about mental health, it’s surprising how…

The Mind-Mouth Connection: How Anxiety Impacts Oral Health

Anxiety, a widespread mental health condition, significantly impacts oral health, causing gum disease, cavities, bruxism,…

Tips for Managing Anxiety in Children With Autism

Anxiety is an exhausting feeling with the power to disrupt daily activities, and autistic children…

How to Build a Healthy Relationship: 5 Factors That Can Affect a Relationship’s Longevity

So, you love each other, you’re in a stable relationship, and you’re dreaming about living…

Strategies to Maintain Sobriety Post-Rehabilitation

So, you’ve completed rehabilitation. What’s next? Daily application of everything that you’ve learned day in…

Panic Attacks, Anxiety Drugs and Harm Reduction

In this piece, we succinctly and precisely explain the nature of a panic attack, its…