Overcoming Anxiety

Learn the many ways you can start overcoming anxiety, safely and naturally. The secret to dealing with and anxiety and panic attacks is to learn coping mechanisms, techniques and ways to calm down when you’re feeling anxious. Eventually, you’ll have so much trust in your anxiety techniques that you’ll begin to fear your triggers less because you know that you can come out of those anxious moments. As times goes on and as you continue to use your anxiety coping mechanisms and become less afraid of your triggers, anxiety begins to stops making an appearance.

At Anxiety Gone, we provide you with all the information, relaxation techniques, coping mechanisms, natural anxiety relief, remedies and information needed so you can begin to regain control of your health and happiness again. With every article and anxiety subscription box, you’ll learn more about overcoming anxiety and ending panic attacks once and for all.

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Flu Season is in Full Swing: How to Spot the Difference between the Cold/Flu & Anxiety

With the cold and flu season taking over, Claire from Anxious Freedom is discussing the…

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Parenting Anxious Teenagers From a Mom Who’s Doing It

As if being a teenager isn’t hard enough, add in a bucket of anxiety and…

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Anxiety Attack vs. Panic Attack: Understanding the Differences and How to Manage Them

For years, we often made the mistake of saying what we were experience was an…

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Why Language Matters: He Suffered Death by Suicide, He Didn’t “Commit” It

The fabulous Clair (Instagram AnxiouslyFree) has written yet another incredible and incredibly honest post about…

Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety Program: End The Cycle of Fear

As an anxiety sufferer, it’s important to constantly take steps towards overcoming your fears. Every…

seasonal depression
Light Therapy for Mental Health: 9 Essential Things to Know Before Using a SAD Light

With the year dipping deeper into the dark and dreary days of winter – and…

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SAD Supplements for Seasonal Affective Disorder | Fighting Off Seasonal Depression

If your mental health shifts with the seasons, you may want to start looking into…

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4 New Years Resolutions for People Suffering from Mental Illness

As the clock clicks slowly towards a new year, you’ve probably been thinking about your…

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11 Anxious Behaviours in Children Every Parent Should Know

As someone who experienced anxiety as a child, I can honestly say it’s harder to…

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10 Reasons Why Stress Is Not Anxiety

One of the biggest misconceptions about anxiety is that anxiety is stress or stress is…