Managing Anxiety and Weight With Doctor-Recommended Weight Loss Programs

Anxiety can be a tricky bugger, especially when it comes to your health. You may have the urge to avoid doctors appointments for fear of the “what ifs” or you may even forgo doctor’s recommendations to avoid any uncomfortable anxiety.…

Exploring the Link Between Anxiety and Intelligence

High intelligence is usually seen as a positive trait that predicts success, happiness, health, and even a longer lifespan. However, since the link between anxiety and intelligence has been discovered, it has become obvious that brilliance can come at a…

6 Best Online Therapy Services for Healing in 2024

Starting a journey of online therapy is a powerful and transformative step towards prioritizing your mental health and well-being. In this digital age, the convenience and accessibility of online therapy offers you a unique opportunity to start your healing journey…

Understanding and Managing Anxiety: Strategies for a Calmer Life

Stress is an invertible part of everyone’s life. We all go through stretches of time with little to no stress and then be bombarded with a period of highly stressful situations.  This is why it’s so important to learn how…

Improving Sleep By Taking a Restorative Mental Health Day

Sleep is something we tend to overlook as life gets busier. Studies show that almost half of all adults around the world say that their sleep quality has only gotten worse in recent years. Other studies on sleep disorders in…

6 Signs You Should Consider Taking Anxiety Medication

All of us experience worry and fear once in a while as a response to threats or uncertainties. Sometimes, you can overcome mild anxiety with techniques like exercise and meditation. But in some cases, anxiety can linger even with these…

How to Stop Overthinking: 14 Ways to Deal with Racing Thoughts

If you ever find yourself lost in a maze of thoughts, unable to escape the endless cycle of remunerating thoughts, you could be suffering from cognitive distortions (the fancy term used to describe overthinking). Whether it’s dwelling on past mistakes,…

Self Therapy Questions to Ask Yourself to Start Your Healing

Self-awareness is the most important step in your healing journey. You can’t heal if you are unaware of yourself. Imagine you are feeling pain in your body but, you don’t exactly know where and the cause of the pain. It’s…

How To Increase Dopamine Levels and Boost Your Mood

Let’s talk about dopamine – the chemical messenger that plays a major role in how we feel pleasure and helps us think, plan, strive, focus, and find things interesting. It’s like our brain’s personal cheerleader, sending messages between nerve cells…

Stress Relief Items That’ll Chill Your Anxiety Right Out

Hot temperatures, whether from the summer heat or due to hot flashes, are a common trigger for people with anxiety. But like all anxiety symptoms and triggers, there are many tools you can use to help combat the discomfort as…