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New studies have found that your being is mostly made up of energies that vibrate at a frequency based on many factors. These vibrations determine how you look, feel, live, and what you attract – people, opportunity, situations, stress, anxiety, etc. Most people with depression and anxiety are operating at low vibrations, whereas positive people who always seem to have great things happening to them operate with higher vibrations. The higher your vibrations, the better everything else is – your physical, mental and emotional state, your outlook and mindset, your opportunities and relationship, you name it. So, what does this mean for you? Well, it’s time to learn how to raise your vibration for anxiety relief.
“The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates – everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the Universe – hence it seems like you are separated from what you see around you – people, animals, plants, trees and so on. BUT you are not separated – you are in fact living in an ocean of energy – we all are. We are all connected at the lowest level – a level professor John Hagelin calls this unified field. Everything has its own vibrational frequency – the table – the car – the picture frame – the rock – even our thoughts and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration.”
The Law of Vibration, One Mind Energy
What Does Energy Healing Have To Do With Anxiety?
You are mostly energy – approximately 99.99999% energy. Most people practice healing eating and regular exercise to maintain optimal health, all the while forgetting that the physical body and everything inside it is such a small part of your being. Yes, working out and eating healthy is crucial for anxiety relief but imagine what you could do if you catered to the other 99.99999% of your body? Well, that’s what energy healing does and when you do energy healing, you also learn how to raise your vibration.
What is Energy Healing?
Energy healing is the process of removing blocks in your body that make it difficult for energy to flow through your body freely. And when there’s a block in one part of your body, the rest of you is unable to receive the energy it needs to thrive.
To put it into perspective, think about the last time your heart was broken, whether from grief or breakup. You can physically feel your heart hurting during these times. This is because your heart is experiencing an energy block that creates those sensations that you feel. You have to work and heal to overcome heartbreak and eventually, those feelings subside.
That’s what energy healing is, only it works for your energy body, mind, emotion and spirit. It smoothes out these ruffles inside of you, so you can thrive both within yourself and in life.
How to Raise Your Vibration for Anxiety Relief?
The first step to energy healing is to learning how to raise vibration for anxiety relief – or for any desire that you have. Your vibrations determine how you think, look, feel, and experience. And if you’re operating at a lower frequency, you can expect low feelings, poor opportunities and it may even seem like you’re always attracting negative people, drama, stress, etc. On the contrary, when you operate at a higher level, you attract great things to you – people, places and things, because all great things operate at higher frequencies.
Here’s an example to put energy into perspective; think of when you’ve been in a room, only to have someone walk in and instantly (and negatively) change the energy of the room. This is their energy vibrations – they are vibrating at lower levels and you can physically feel it whenever you’re around them. Perhaps this person depletes everyone else’s energy but makes you feel great. Chances are, you are operating at a low frequency as your energy aligns with theirs.
Signs That You Have High Energy Vibrations
The good news is that by raising your vibrations, you can start to live, feel and be better. Some common signs of operating at high frequencies or that you are raising your vibrations include:
- You are able to look at the bright side in most, if not all situations
- You are grateful for the things you have and rarely focus on the things that are lacking in your life
- You are open-minded and approachable
- You are non-judgemental and can accept people, places and things for who or what they are
- You are conscious of how your words and actions affect others and yourself
- You are empathetic and never try to hurt others intentionally
- You feel inspired, passionate, creative and alive
- You are empathetic towards yourself and doing what serves your greater good, whether meditation or yoga, is a priority
- You feel connected to all things in life
- You don’t hold grudges and understand that people do the best that they can do
- You understand your purpose in life and are excited about it
- You feel emotionally balanced
- You don’t take life too seriously and can “go with the flow” – pardon the pun
- You smile and laugh regularly
- You don’t hold onto the past and live in the moment
- You are in-tune with what your mind, body and spirit needs
- You nurture yourself and others regularly
- You often experience synchronicity, such as 11:11 on the clock
Signs That You Have a Low Vibration
If the list above doesn’t resonate with you, or maybe some things do but the others are no where in the forecast, perhaps you have a low vibration or are on the path towards raising your vibrations. Here are some warning signs to look out for to help you determine if you do, in fact, have a low vibration:
- You are judgemental, often times, without any effort
- You are constantly lethargic and tired
- You are reactive to situations, instead of reflective
- You always seem to have drama surrounding you, whether it’s your own or someone else’s
- You hang out with people that you consider to be toxic
- You feel physically unfit and unhealthy
- You hold grudges and find it difficult to forgive and move on
- You feel stuck in life
- You often experience “bad luck” or recite the words “of course that would happen to me” when something bad happens
- You aren’t quite sure about your purpose in life or what you want in life
- You make poor choices
- You experience high levels of anxiety, depression, OCD or other mental health concerns
- You feel resentment and jealousy
- You feel anger
- You find it hard to see the beauty in people, places, things, and life
- Your connections/relationships often bring you pain or negative emotions
- You self-sabotage
- You focus primarily on the negative
- You struggle to find the good in bad situations
- You need or demand attention, time, emotions, etc. from other people
Raising Your Vibrations for Anxiety Relief and Energy Healing
Now it’s time to start learning how to raise your vibration for anxiety relief – and energy healing, in general. Here is a quick start guide on how you can start smoothing out those energy blocks so you can start boosting your vibrations:
- Spend more time out in nature – and appreciate it’s beauty
- Get moving, whether it’s exercising, yoga or daily walks
- Practice kindness to yourself and others
- Meditation (start with this 11-Minute Energy Cleansing Meditation)
- Refrain from being judgemental of yourself or others, and when you find yourself judging, switch the flip and try to reason with why someone or something is the way it is
- Eat nourishing foods and a fulfilling, healthy diet
- Get creative – paint, play, write, sing, make crafts, etc.
- Practice regular self care
- List at least three things you’re grateful for each day
- Focus on being present in the moment instead of worrying or dreading over the past or future
- Add high vibration healing crystals into your home
- Give yourself a good sleep with natural sleep aids
- Start healing, whether it’s with online therapy (enjoy this 7 day free trial), reiki, journaling or online reiki and energy healing courses
- Surround yourself with like-minded souls – and get rid of those toxic relationships or at least limit the time spent with them
- Stay hydrated
This quick start guide to learning how to raise your vibration and use calming items for energy healing will help you boost your mental health for anxiety relief and for an overall better sense of being and living. There are many other things you can do (and eliminate) to increase your vibration but for now, these things will start your energy healing journey.
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