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The one major secret to overcoming anxiety is to learn how to manage it. Anxiety will not disappear unless you know how to control it because when you know how to control your anxiety symptoms, you fear the feelings less. And the less you fear, the less intense anxiety becomes. But first, you have to learn and that’s exactly what The Power of Calm program is all about.
The Link Between Stress and Anxiety
Anxiety and stress are two different things but they definitely play into one another. Severe or excessive stress can trigger a spike in anxiety and can increase the frequency of panic attacks. Thus, by learning how to manage your stress, you can decrease the anxiety you experience. And that’s what The Power of Calm, formerly called Address Stress, teaches you how to do.
The Power of Calm Program
There are a bazillion mental health programs out there, but I’ve never experienced one quite like this. The Power of Calm program trains you to remain calm through a 14-day program that provides you with daily breathing activities. There are two different versions to choose from:
- The Digital Version
- The Professional eCourse (For therapists, teachers, life coaches, etc.)
Use code ‘AG519’ for 5% off.
What is the Power of Calm 14-Day Program?
The Power of Calm 14-Day Program teaches you how to tap into calmness quickly and effectively. The lessons are really easy to follow and gradually progress throughout the course that consists of 14 days designed to strengthen your newfound calming skills. By the end of the 14 days, you’ll be able to switch your mind from anxious to calm whenever needed. This is all done by first learning the What, Why’s and How’s of stress:
- What is Stress?
- Why Stress Matters?
- How to Address Stress
By learning these three components, you can learn how to manage your anxiety and find calmness whenever you feel your nerves taking over. You can choose to skip these three modules and get right into the program, but I definitely recommend reading them (or rather, watching the videos since the program is now digital) because it really puts things into perspective.
For example, there’s one graphic that stood out to me within The Power of Calm program that changed my life…
In addition to this, there are three portions that go over body functions, what happens when you’re stressed and the resulting effect. It’s really interesting to see exactly how stress affects your mind and body as a whole.
What Does The 14-Day Program Come With?
The Power of Calm program comes with the 3 Quick Start Manuals (What, Why and How), which has a ton of awesome information that you certainly want to know. After all, it can be difficult to learn how to manage your stress and anxiety if you don’t know all the ways stress and anxiety effects you. These manuals dive deeper into stress and anxiety so you can learn how it affects you, and how to manage it.
Then, you also receive the 14-Day program workbook, which you complete every day for the next 14 days.
As for the actionable part, you download The Power of Calm program app (called Address Stress) to receive the daily activities to complete.
Use code ‘AG519’ for 5% off.
How Does The Power of Calm Program Work?
Once you have read through the manuals (or watched the videos if you get the digital program) and downloaded the app, you’re ready to start the 14-Day Program.
In the app, you’ll find relaxation exercises you can access 24/7, a pressure valve feature that you sync your breathing with, and the 14-day program.
The Relaxation Exercises
With the relaxation exercises, you choose the length of the exercise you want, as well as the breath rate. So, if you’re feeling anxious and have 15 minutes before heading out the door, you can access these relaxation exercises and complete the de-stressing activity right then and there.
The Pressure Valve
One of my favourite features of The Power of Calm program is The Pressure Valve. With this feature, you click to start and begin to sync your breathing with the ball; as it gets larger you inhale; as it gets smaller you exhale. It’s a 3-minute activity and as you progress through the activity, the length of each inhale and exhale gets longer. This slows down your breathing (you can watch it on the pressure valve), which calms your nervous system and puts you into a sense of relaxation.
This feature is AMAZING for when you need quick dose of anti-anxiety.
The 14-Day Program
The third feature is the 14-Day Program. You choose your level and breath rate, select the day you wish to start and then, each day you will receive a series of relaxation exercises to do at different times during the day.
There is a morning exercise and an evening exercise, as well as quick relax exercises you can choose to do throughout the day in between the two main relaxation tasks. The app sends you a notification when it’s time to do the activity (you can set the time for the notifications to be sent), and then they’re available for you to complete for a set amount of time. If you miss that time frame, you cannot go back and do it, which is great for accountability. You have to commit to getting better and that requires daily work, and The Power of Calm program encourages that as well. If you miss a step, you keep going for the rest of the 14 days but it is recorded. At the end, you can see your results – how much you can slow your breathing (the slower the more relaxed you are), your progress and commitment, etc.
At the end of the day, you fill out your workbook to track your progress. The content is the same with both the digital and physical version, only in different formats.
The Power of Calm Program for Health and Education Professionals
There is also The Power of Calm Professional Program, which is designed for therapists, teachers, life coaches, and other health and education professionals. It’s broken down into two components:
- Theory Component – Teaching people how to understand and identify when stress is an issue to health and performance.
- Practical Component – Helping people turn theory into action by adding the 14-day program to the mix.
Certificates are issued when the course is completed. I will get into the details of the professional certification course for The Power of Calm program in another post.
Benefits of Completing the 14-Day Program
You will feel like a new person after the 14 day program, as you will have the skills needed to calm yourself down throughout the day and to enter into a zone of relaxation. And because of that, you begin to fear your anxiety a little less each day because you know you have the techniques needed to bring yourself out of an attack or anxious moment. That, alone, is priceless.
You also receive many other benefits that come with the power of meditation and living less stressed, such:
- Enhance energy levels
- Speed up recovery
- Strengthen your immune system
- Improve digestion and nutrient absorption
- Balance blood sugar
- Regulate blood pressure
- Encourage muscle health and repair
- Achieve a better attitude and outlook
- Get better sleep quality
- Regulate your mood
- Reduce anxiety
- Improve skin and hair health
- Slow down the aging process
- Control your weight
It’s a 14 day program that teaches you skills that will change your entire life.
In essence, The Power of Calm program teaches you how to breathe properly and how to induce a meditative/relaxing state, whenever and wherever you are. The program gets slightly more difficult each day to keep you building and strengthening your newfound skills. The extra features on the app provide you with an anxiety tool that allows you to tap in and de-stress throughout the day, whenever needed.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions and this is not medical advice.