Worry Stones: How These Thumb Stones Can Help You Tackle Anxiety Attacks

By now, you’ve probably heard about worry stones and how they can help alleviate anxiety and panic attacks. Worry stones are a favourite coping tool that allows you to distract your mind away from the anxious thoughts as soon as…

The Therapeutic Benefits of Lotus Pose: Padmasana Yoga

In the chaos of our hectic lives, dealing with anxiety and depression has become all too familiar. But hey, here’s where yoga steps in like a superhero for your mental well-being. It’s not just about striking poses; yoga throws in…

How to Take Care of Someone With Anxiety

Perhaps you are faced with the challenge of helping someone with anxiety but have no idea where to start.  Research indicates that anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million victims in the US. With these numbers likely to rise in…

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms You Need To Stop Doing

We all have ways of dealing with anxiety and the way in which we do that defines what our coping mechanism is. However, not all coping mechanisms for anxiety are positive ones and they can actually cause you more harm,…

How a Near Fatal Crash Brought Out His Courage

One of my favourite things about Anxiety Gone is having the opportunity to meet amazing people who have overcome incredible things. It’s such a powerful reminder that we, as humans, have the ability to find exceptional strength when we need…

5 Must-Try CBD Products to Relieve Anxiety

Cannabidiol is well-known for its antidepressant and anxiolytic properties. With the legalization of cannabis plantation and its use in most states in the US, Canada and other parts of the world, scientists now have more freedom to study and analyze…

Managing Anxiety During Covid 19: Providing Peace of Mind through Blood Oxygen

When it comes to Covid, managing anxiety can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Tracking medical advice, worrying about friends and family, and stressing about the sickness can prove to be powerful triggers. Thankfully, there is one factor that can potentially…

Root Causes of Anxiety and How to Find Them

Anxiety can manifest in any ways. You likely know the exact things that trigger your anxiety and may even mistaken them as being the root cause. However, the root causes of your anxiety often go deeper than surface level. They’re…

Best Types of Therapy for Anxiety

No two people are affected the exact same way by anxiety and treatment is not “one size fits all”.  What works for one person dealing with anxiety might not work for another. Just like medications, you have to see what…

Magnesium Lotion For Anxiety | The One Natural Supplement You Should Be Taking

When it comes to natural supplements for anxiety, there’s certainly no shortage of options. From ashwaghanda to L-Theanine; mind coolers and more, there are plenty of ways you can increase your mental health using supplements. However, there is one natural…