How to Find the Right Therapist for Your Needs

The year 2004 saw just 13% of people getting the mental help they needed, a figure that rose to 23% by year 2022. This shows a shift in attitude as the subject shifted from being taboo to out in broad…

Supporting Athletes’ Mental Health By Making Wellbeing a Priority in Sports

In the high-stakes world of professional sports, athletes’ physical abilities frequently outweigh their mental health. Attention is often focused on the importance of nutrition or exercise. However, big names like Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles have shown us that mental…

How to Feel Feelings: Your Go-To Guide for Processing Your Emotions

Let’s be honest here: feelings are scary. If they weren’t, we wouldn’t all be out here juggling our mental health and trying to figure out what to do with these stored thoughts, emotions and memories. The reality is, many of…

Dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Relationships: A Guide for Couples

Hey there, lovebirds! Relationships can be a wild ride, full of ups, downs, and everything in between. But what happens when obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) tags along for the journey? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Whether you’re the one with OCD…

Understanding the Link Between Drug Addiction and Depression

In the shadowy recesses of modern society, drug addiction and depression stand as two pervasive and interwoven conditions. Their interaction is not just a simple cause-and-effect relationship but a complex dance where one often exacerbates the other. To unravel the…

Top Strategies for Maintaining Empathy in Social Work

As a social worker, you will have probably realized that there are a few things about your job that are challenging. However, you would also agree there the many things about the work that are equally rewarding. From providing victims…

The Silent Scream: Understanding And Overcoming Dental Fear   

Many associate the dentist’s office with shining white teeth and healthy gums. But for too many other people, the mere thought of entering one brings up a silent scream of anxiety. That, in fact, is way more common than many…

Top 7 Ways To Calm Yourself In An Unwanted Situation

Life loves to throw curveballs, leaving us feeling uneasy and under pressure. But guess what? You can learn how to breeze through those tough times with a calm and collected demeanor that won’t ruffle anyone’s feathers. Whether it’s an unexpected…

25 Powerful Mantras for Anxiety That Will Change Your Life

Imagine starting your day with a sense of calm that carries you through every challenge, every stressor, and every unexpected twist. Mantras for anxiety can be your secret weapon in achieving this serene state of mind. These ancient, powerful phrases…

Daily Life with OCD and Relationships: Practical Tips for Couples

When a partner has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, it can pose unique challenges in a relationship. Although there isn’t a ‘perfect’ guide for individuals and couples to navigate OCD and relationships, there are practical tips to help you control your thoughts…

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