Healing Journals

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Moving On From Anxiety

Anxiety is an epidemic that is gripping some in our society. More and more people…

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X-Hail Meditations for Anxiety to Quiet The Noise in my Head

Living with anxiety makes the world feel so noisy that you can’t hear yourself. Before…

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The Voice That Helps You Win and Beat Anxiety

My name is Malasia (@MultiPassionateBossBabe) and by learning how to acknowledge my anxiety, I’ve been…

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Healing Without Medication: Strength, Courage & Badassness

I was not always a positive or happy person. In fact, I was possibly the…

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Confessions of a Travel Agent: How Travel Helps Relieve My Anxiety

For most anxiety suffers, the idea of jumping on a plane or leaving the comfort…

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Health Anxiety: How I Managed When It All Came Crashing Down

After struggling with health anxiety since becoming a Mom, long time friend of Anxiety Gone’s…

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Struggling With Anxiety as a Teenager: Molly’s Story

Being a teenager is tough; being a teenage girl is even tougher and being a…

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My Depression, Anxiety and Postpartum Depression Eventually Saved My Life

Postpartum depression is something rarely seen as a serious mental illness. There’s this misconception that…

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A Panic Attack Abroad Lead Me To My Diagnosis: Courtney’s Story

Traveling with anxiety is no easy feat. One panic attack can quickly deter us from…

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I Discovered The Worst Thing That Can Happen with Anxiety

As an anxiety sufferer, you don’t need me to tell you that it’s the fear…

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