Top Science-Backed Reasons Cannabis Can Cure Anxiety

Are you feeling heavy and tired mentally? Are you tensed, nervous, and edgy all the time? If so, then you might be falling prey to anxiety. Today our lifestyles have become deeply rooted in our work. In the race against…

Driving Anxiety Coping Mechanisms To Get You Back Behind The Wheel

Driving anxiety is no joke! You’re driving along and suddenly, your anxiety symptoms come out of nowhere. Then, you start to question the safety of yourself and others if you’re driving with anxiety, which causes more anxiety. And the vicious…

Mental Health Influencers You Need To Be Following

Social media has its perks when used properly. It doesn’t have to be this media channel where you scroll through for hours mindlessly comparing yourself to others. Instead, it can be an excellent source of motivation, inspiration, and therapy. And…

Purple Crystals for Anxiety Relief and Healing

Finding the right healing crystals for anxiety can sometimes cause you to feel more anxious. There are thousands of stones, crystals, and gems to choose from, and sifting through the different types to find the stones you need for your…

5 Ways to Create a Place of Solitude in Your Home

Creating a quiet, secure, non-busy place in your home was tough enough prior to COVID. Now that you might have a lot more people in your home (much more of the time!) it can seem impossible. However, this is an…

Stress Relief Items That’ll Chill Your Anxiety Right Out

Hot temperatures, whether from the summer heat or due to hot flashes, are a common trigger for people with anxiety. But like all anxiety symptoms and triggers, there are many tools you can use to help combat the discomfort as…

How Complaining Is Making Your Mental Health Worse

Let’s talk about complaining. We all do it and there’s nothing wrong with letting off some steam. This is particularly true since you shouldn’t hold in how you’re feeling. However, it’s important to avoid making complaining a habit because chronic…

How to Cut Cords to Remove Negative Energy

Negative energy surrounds you every day, whether you feel it or not. Everything on this planet – from humans to objects – have an energy that attaches to you when you come into contact with it. Often times, these energies…

How To Embrace Change and Accept Fear

Anxiety is fear and fear is often stemmed by uncertainty and change. But change is inevitable and we are living through a period right now where every day comes with a hefty dose of uncertainty. We don’t know what’s changing…

How to Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help

Watching someone struggle with their mental health from the sidelines can be an excruciating experience – for the both of you. You desperately want to help, but you don’t know how or worse, they don’t want help or have no…