Healing the Divine Feminine to Conquer Anxiety

For many anxiety warriors, the idea that an internal imbalance in the body, whether hormonal or energetic, is causing the uncomfortable symptoms is never a thought. I, too, was one of those people. But then my healing journey began which…

Amethyst For Anxiety: How This All Purpose Healing Stone Can Give Calm Your Nerves

Amethyst is often hailed as the best stone for anxiety relief and what may come to you as a surprise is that there are so many different types of amethyst to choose from. As someone who strongly believes in the…

Energy Healing For Anxiety and Alignment

I hope you understand the beauty of this notion when I explain that you are a star; that the star dust that is found throughout your physical form is a mirror to the divinity that is within you. You are…

Relationship and Dating Anxiety: It’s Science

If you ever find yourself becoming an anxious mess, have asked yourself, “Why do I get anxious when going on a date?” or go a little bit cray cray in the initial stages of dating someone, this post is for…

Healing Without Medication: Strength, Courage & Badassness

I was not always a positive or happy person. In fact, I was possibly the antithesis of everything those words stand for. Bitter, jaded, sarcastic, brooding, apathetic. I was the kind of person who always had an excuse for why…

Coping With Anxiety: Strategies Anyone Can Use

If there is one thing that I can assure you about anxiety is that this too shall pass. You are going to make it big and will be a better person after this. Those words are what I utter the…

Improve Sleep Naturally With A Relaxing Space That Supports Relaxation

Anyone who has ever experienced a rough night’s sleep knows just how precious every minute of shut-eye can be. Unfortunately, few of us realize that sleeping as little as one hour less each night can have profound negative consequences for our…

Best Monq For Anxiety and Stress: Personal Essential Oil Inhalers

Everyone who follows Anxiety Gone on social media already knows about my obsession with Monq personal inhalers. And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you’ll definitely want to stick around because today, I’m talking all about using…

The Best Crystals for Panic Attacks

Everything on this planet has vibrations, including the earth’s materials (stones) and yourself. When panic strikes, which we all know can happen at any time, using the best crystals for panic attacks can soothe the vibrations to help ease the…

Best Agate Healing Stones for Anxiety

One of the best stones for anxiety is agate, as it cleanses and stabilizes your energy while also eliminating and transforming negativity into positive. Though, there are many different types of agate calming items and each one has it’s own…