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If there is one thing that I can assure you about anxiety is that this too shall pass. You are going to make it big and will be a better person after this. Those words are what I utter the most whenever I feel down and the following relaxation techniques and anxiety management strategies really made a difference with coping with anxiety.
Hi, it’s me, Joanna from @ItsMeJoannaS and this is my story about coping with anxiety…
I had a great childhood, my family showered me with love. But as I grew up, I realize how difficult it was to fit in maybe because I was afraid to be rejected and judged. I am full of insecurities – so much so that I criticize myself first before anyone else can judge me especially with my looks and the way I speak. I was shy. I am still shy. I prefer being alone over being with the crowd.
Coping with Anxiety
The reality hit me hard when I saw how rude the world is and how life is not fair. Social media made my anxiety worse since I continuously compare myself to other people’s lives. So, I decided to tweak my social media accounts for my mental health.
Social Media
One of the first coping with anxiety strategies I implemented was on social media. I deleted some followings on Instagram and replaced them with positive accounts that promote self love. I also remove friends on Facebook and unfollow every person that contributes a lot of negativity on my feed. Removing friends was not easy but I don’t feel guilty either since I am doing this for myself. I also spend less time on social media sites, monitoring where I invest my time and energy.
Additional Anxiety Strategies
Those were the simple steps that I took in order to stop or remove any doubts about life because I don’t want to live my life with worries anymore. I want to live my life the way God wants me to.
Schedule Self-Care Time
So, instead of staying here in my room every day I tried my best to go out and be happier. Every week, I scheduled a self care/me time to ensure my emotions are stable because I feel that everyone needs to spend some time alone to think and plan her life. Usually, you can see me in a coffee shop sipping my Mocha Frappuccino while writing in my journal and watching motivational youtube videos. I always crave for my me time since this is when I can think and evaluate my life without judgement of other people.
Use Lavender Oil
Bring and sniff lavender oil because it is the most soothing scent for anxiety and it will make you calm. If lavender isn’t a soothing scent you like, try any of the best essential oils for anxiety.
Hold Anxiety Healing Stones

If you believe in crystals for anxiety, hold the anxiety healing stones in your left hand while travelling. It will help you get rid those negative emotions. (My favourite is my Amethyst tumbled stone)
Listen To Calming Music When Having an Anxiety Attack
When having an anxiety attack, try to grab your phone, put on your earphones and listen to a spa or music for meditation. I have this app called “sleep” where I customized sounds to put me on a relax mode if I am travelling and having my panic attack. The best sound for me is the ocean because I can imagine the waves rushing to my toes.
Adopt a Pet or Find a New Hobby
Adopting a pet or try something new. I bought a beta fish last year and my life changed. He is my stress reliever.
Clean Up and Declutter
Declutter your space. I couldn’t express how important it is to clean your room. The number one sign that my emotions are not stable is my room. I am not a minimalist but I am proud to say that I like to organize things and seeing my room on a messy situation will tell you how stressed I am. So, every now and then I tend to clean my room especially my bed and desk.
And these are the calming items and anxiety strategies I use whenever I feel my anxiety creeps in and to get my life together. I hope these will help you start coping with anxiety and life better. At the very least, always remember you just need to accept your anxiety and carry on with it because life is what it is but you can do better.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsmejoannas/