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When in doubt this holiday season, repeating positive affirmations for holiday anxiety can give you the boost you need to get through this time of year. And all that’s required of you is nothing more than to read the positive affirmations and repeat, and to continue doing so until you feel better.
The Best Affirmations for Holiday Anxiety
There are millions of positive affirmations out there so I have narrowed down the list of many to find the best affirmations for holiday anxiety specifically. Feel free to write them down or print them off! I’ll also be sharing them on the Anxiety Gone Instagram.
Mindzoom Affirmations
Mindzoom is an excellent program for practicing positive affirmations regularly. The program allows you to select what you want affirmations for, whether it’s diet, positivity, strength, mindfulness, stress relief, seasonal anxiety, etc. Then, it provides you with affirmations based on the settings you selected through music, pictures, and sounds. You also receive a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, so it’s certainly worth trying.
List of The Best Affirmations for Holiday Anxiety

“My happiness is one of the greatest gifts I can give. “
This is a great affirmation for anyone struggling with being unable to purchase gifts this holiday season. The best gifts don’t cost a penny!
“I release my memories of the past. They do not exist and are just my thoughts. “
The holiday season is the perfect time to let go of the past and to remind yourself that whatever happened then doesn’t define who you are today.
“I am worthy of love and acceptance.”
The holiday season can be quite lonely, so this affirmation for holiday anxiety reminds you that you are worthy of love and acceptance, but that you won’t accept anything less than what you deserve. If that means being single or “alone”, then that’s what you shall do until you find what is for you.
“I am worthy of recovery.”
With the overwhelming holiday anxiety, you may start to feel like you’ll never get better. We all feel like this sometimes. Remind yourself that you are worthy of recovery and that recovery will come. This moment is not a set back.
“I will put all negativity behind me.”
As the year comes to an end, prepare to put all of that negativity behind you. Let it go. It’s gone. It’s in the past.
“I will find joy in where I am.”
Perhaps you aren’t excited about the places or events you have to attend this holiday season. This affirmation for holiday anxiety will remind you that you can and you will find joy wherever you are.
“I am enough.”
Whatever it is that your anxiety is convincing you off, remember that you are enough. If your anxiety is telling you that your gifts aren’t good enough or that you didn’t spend enough money or that you didn’t spend enough time with family and friends, remember, you are enough.
“I am where I am for a reason.”
Use this affirmation for holiday anxiety to remind yourself that you are right where you are for a reason and more importantly, that you are right where you are supposed to be.
“I am grateful for my abilities and my gifts.”
A lot of holiday anxiety stems from feeling like you aren’t giving enough. Use this affirmation to remind yourself that your abilities and your gifts are enough and that you are grateful to be able to provide them to your loved ones.
“I give myself permission to step away and take a break when I become overly stressed or anxious.”
Often times, anxiety warriors feel stuck in the moment during an anxiety attack. Use this affirmation for holiday anxiety to remind yourself that you can step away for a quiet moment and that it’s okay to do so.
“I will focus on the goodness of the season.”
Try to avoid focusing on the things you don’t like about the holiday season and embrace the positive things about Christmas, such as how beautiful the light festivities are as you’re stuck in traffic or how lucky you are to be able to see such beautiful fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky on a super chilly day.
“I will conquer all negative feelings.”
Negative feelings may still arise; this affirmation for holiday anxiety reminds you that you can overcome them. Acknowledge them; accept them and then, let the negative feelings go. Just because they’re there doesn’t mean you have to let them take over.
“I can only be the best version of me.”
If you are struggling with feeling like you haven’t given enough to your loved ones this holiday season, whether it’s gifts or your time, this holiday affirmation helps remind you that you are the best version of you. You do not have to be the best version of what someone else expects of you.
“I do not control the actions of others.”
Some people or situations may still upset you during the holiday season so remember that you cannot control the actions of others. You can only control the way you react to them.
“I repel negative energy naturally.”
Perhaps your holiday anxiety is spiked because you have to be around certain people that aren’t great for your mental health. Remember that just because you are in the same room as someone, you don’t have to invest or absorb their negative energy. Imagine yourself in a bubble and allow the negative energy to bounce off of your bubble instead of popping it and protruding your mental health.
“I am not alone. I am surrounded by people who love me.”
Remind yourself that you are surrounded by people who love and support you, and even if you are alone, that doesn’t mean that you have to feel lonely.
“I have so many things to be grateful for.”
Start counting your blessings! Reminding yourself of all the things you have to be grateful for is an excellent way to combat holiday stress and anxiety.
“I deserve to give myself ‘me’ time.”
You sure do. Give yourself permission to take a step away from the craziness of the season. You do not have to spend every waking moment doing something or surrounding yourself with other people.
“I will not dwell on the past.”
Perhaps the last couple of Christmas didn’t go as planned. Try not to dwell on that. This is a new Christmas and anything can happen – yes, even positive things. Allow yourself to open up to the new opportunities by reminding yourself that you will not dwell on the past.
“I will treat myself with kindness, patience and understanding.”
This is one of the most important affirmations for holiday anxiety – treat yourself well. Do not let your negative thoughts invade your entire being.
“I have positive affirmations to get me through the season.”
For those moments that seem so overwhelming, remind yourself that you have the tools needed to get through anything that comes your way.
“I am brave and can get through this moment.”
You have the strength and courage to get through even the toughest of moments. So, if you’re feeling anxious before heading out to a holiday event, use this affirmation to ease holiday anxiety.
“I forgive myself and others who have hurt me.”
Forgiveness is key. Forgive bad moments from the past; forgive bad Christmases and negative memories, and forgive yourself for anything you’ve been holding onto.
“I can do this. I’ve done it before.”
Yes you can! This is one positive affirmation that I use regularly when I am feeling anxious. You have gotten through these moments before. You can do it again.