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Are you feeling heavy and tired mentally? Are you tensed, nervous, and edgy all the time? If so, then you might be falling prey to anxiety. Today our lifestyles have become deeply rooted in our work. In the race against schedules and deliverables, life is zooming past at a breakneck pace. The adverse effect of our fast-paced lifestyle has affected our mental health. Most people today are battling some mental health or the other. However, cannabis can cure anxiety for some people and it’s certainly something worth learning about.
Using Cannabis for Anxiety
Research into common mental health ailments shows that a significant amount of people are battling anxiety. As medical research and development progress, many methods and medicines are slowly gaining popularity because of effective results.
However, a recent study has shown that almost 58% of Canadian medical cannabis patients treat anxiety with hemp. It bears witness to the recent emergence of the trend to use cannabis for medicinal properties. It’s becoming more mainstream due to many people finding it incredibly effective.
What Is Cannabis?
Cannabis, also known commonly as “marijuana,” is a herb known for its psychoactive properties. Cannabis Sativa contains many compounds, such as cannabinoids. Amongst the many cannabinoids that the plant contains, THC and CBD are the most important. THC is the intoxicating compound that contains powerful psychoactive properties and gives you a “high.” CBD is the non-intoxicating compound that improves bodily functions and betters the brain functioning. Cannabis has long been associated with recreational and medicinal usage, and you can easily buy it from the cannabis store. Today many countries have legalized cannabis usage for medical purposes, including many states in the USA.

How Cannabis Works?
The human central nervous system is responsible for the smooth functioning of the brain and body. The endocannabinoid system within our body is the main link to facilitate the improvement of these functionings.
Cannabis contains cannabinoids that react with the endocannabinoid system to improve nervous system functioning such as boosting immunity, improving brain activity, etc. Chiefly, two of the cannabinoids – THC and CBD are responsible for this.
THC reacts with the brain and induces the copious release of dopamine and reduces serotonin levels in the brain. It induces a psychoactive reaction and a feeling of euphoric rush and ‘high’ exhilaration. It is also a powerful neural agent that can induce psychedelic hallucinations.
On the other hand, CBD combines with the endocannabinoid system and stimulates brain function by heightening the neural transmission. It results in better memory. CBD also aids in weight loss, boosts immunity, alleviates pain, and has many other benefits.

How Does Cannabis Help You with Anxiety?
Cannabis strains with a regulated dosage and a pre-decided ration of CBD to THC can counteract anxiety. With cannabis being accepted through legalization and social transformation, let’s explore some reasons as to how cannabis can cure anxiety in some cases, but most importantly, can help to combat anxiety for almost all:
Reduces Stress
One of the causes of anxiety is stress. Stress levels are indicated through a brain secretion called serotonin. The higher the serotonin levels, the higher is the anxiety. Cannabis helps to mitigate serotonin levels in the brain. It, therefore, reduces stress and helps calm your nerves. Anxiety attacks are most often a result of increased stress, which causes a tremendous increase in blood pressure. Cannabinoids in the cannabis plant help to counteract these. They can react with the endocannabinoid system and suppress neural transmitters that cause heightened blood pressure to come down. It has an overall relaxing effect on you as it eases the tension around the head’s veins.
Lightens up Mood
THC is one of the most recreational and psychoactive compounds present in the cannabis Sativa plant. THC oil help to ease the brain functioning and reduce brain activity. It also induces a feeling of high.
Whenever faced with an anxiety attack, the brain becomes hyper-reactive. An increase in simultaneous brain functioning is also dubbed colloquially as “overthinking.” However, this persistent brain activity creates an impulsive, short-tempered, and edgy behaviour in anxious people.
Cannabis helps to lower this and counteracts the hyperactivity of neural synapses in the brain. It also reduces serotonin levels and induces endorphin secretion. Endorphin is often known as the “happy hormone.” It, therefore, helps you ease off and relax better. It also helps you to lighten the mood and calm the nerves.
Soothes Your Senses
It is often found that people who use cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes often are calmer and more stress-free than others. It is because cannabis contains powerful psychoactive properties and is often advised for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder patients. Cannabinoids can calm your senses and soothe your nerves. Therefore, cannabis users do not get hyperactive quickly and can remain calm for longer durations.
Additional Benefits of CBD for Anxiety
Some additional benefits of CBD for anxiety that are certainly worth mentioning are:
- Interaction with Serotonin Receptors: CBD interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood and anxiety. By influencing serotonin levels, CBD may help reduce anxiety.
- Neurogenesis: Some studies suggest that CBD may promote neurogenesis, the growth and development of new neurons in the brain. This process is linked to a reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms.
- Stress Reduction: CBD has been shown to have calming effects on the central nervous system, potentially reducing stress and anxiety levels.
- Sleep Improvement: Anxiety often disrupts sleep, and lack of sleep can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. CBD may help improve sleep quality, which in turn can reduce anxiety levels.
- Anti-inflammatory Properties: Chronic inflammation has been linked to anxiety disorders. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate anxiety symptoms associated with inflammation.
- Fear Extinction: CBD may facilitate the extinction of fear memories. This means it could help individuals with anxiety disorders to overcome or reduce the intensity of fearful memories or triggers.
- Social Anxiety Relief: Some studies suggest that CBD may help reduce anxiety in social situations. This could be beneficial for individuals who experience social anxiety disorder.
It’s important to note that while there is promising research indicating the potential benefits of CBD for anxiety relief, more large-scale clinical trials are needed to fully understand its effectiveness and safety profile. Additionally, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD, especially if you are currently taking medications or have underlying health conditions.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, it is essential to realize that cannabis is just one technique to alleviate stress and mitigate anxiety. Cannabis can cure anxiety for more than half of the people dealing with it. However, it is not an alternative to lifestyle. Cannabis must not be viewed as a quick fix and shortcut to better mental health. It must complement the lifestyle of a healthy person and not substitute it.