Coping Techniques

How to Boost Dopamine: 14 Ways to Increase Dopamine Naturally

Everyone could benefit from a healthy boost of dopamine, especially when battling mental illness or…

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Therapy Questions to Ask Yourself for a Deeply Healing Self-Therapy Session

Traditional in-person therapy session can get pricey and they’re not an affordable option for everyone.…

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Empower Yourself: 7 DIY Therapy Techniques for Mental Wellness at Home

Many say that overcoming and managing mental illness is 40% medication, 60% therapy. Without one…

Evidence-Based Anxiety Tools and Techniques for Preventing Anxiety

When it comes to anxiety management, a powerful strategy combines both prevention and coping techniques.…

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11 Happy Habits to Improve your Mental Health

Happiness is a choice. I know people don’t like to hear it, and it’s not…

brain plasticity
Neuroplasticity and Anxiety: How to Rewire Your Brain to Overcome Fear

Did you know that our amazing brains have the ability to change and adapt throughout…

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7 Positive Affirmations To Get You Through This Week

Positive affirmations for the week refers to the practice of self empowerment and  positive thinking…

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63 Self Awareness Questions That Will Help You See Yourself For More Than Just “Anxious”

Learning self-awareness can help you break the deep, dark and negative cycle of feeling like…

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Using Seven Minute Mindfulness to Alleviate Anxiety and Depression

There’s nothing wrong with taking prescription medication to help combat and/or manage your mental illness,…

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Overcoming Anxiety One Binaural Beat At a Time

Just when you think meditation is nothing more than some calming music and mindfulness, you…