Overcoming Anxiety

Learn the many ways you can start overcoming anxiety, safely and naturally. The secret to dealing with and anxiety and panic attacks is to learn coping mechanisms, techniques and ways to calm down when you’re feeling anxious. Eventually, you’ll have so much trust in your anxiety techniques that you’ll begin to fear your triggers less because you know that you can come out of those anxious moments. As times goes on and as you continue to use your anxiety coping mechanisms and become less afraid of your triggers, anxiety begins to stops making an appearance.

At Anxiety Gone, we provide you with all the information, relaxation techniques, coping mechanisms, natural anxiety relief, remedies and information needed so you can begin to regain control of your health and happiness again. With every article and anxiety subscription box, you’ll learn more about overcoming anxiety and ending panic attacks once and for all.

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Dear Parents, Ignoring Your Child Showing Signs of Anxiety Is Only Making It Worse

As parents, we tend to ignore the behaviour we don’t want to encourage for fear…

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The Many ‘What Ifs’ of an Anxiety Warrior

We asked what’s your anxiety what if, and you guys delivered. Let’s take a look…

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9 Powerful Life Lessons from 100 Year Olds

Powerful Life Lessons By Greg Thurston Creator of 7 Minute Mindfulness  Watching videos of centurions,…

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Online Therapy for Postpartum Depression is the Ideal Solution

It’s absolutely unrealistic to expect a new mother with postpartum depression to attend traditional therapy…

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Better Help Therapy Benefits You Wish You Knew About Sooner

What good is therapy if you have to go through an immense cloud of anxiety…

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How Can a Counsellor Help you Overcome Anxiety?

It is difficult to say which is worse for the individual.  Is it depression that…

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Why You Should Never Be Ashamed of Your Anxiety

At one point in your life, you have probably dealt with anxiety. Anxiety is an…

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49 Tips for Depression to Kick Start The Healing Process

Overcoming depression is no easy feat but it isn’t impossible either. In fact, you can…

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How to Deal with Self-Doubt That’s Destroying Your Confidence

Self-doubt is something we all experience. It’s what makes us human but there is a…

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28 Things Anxious Students Wish Their Teachers Knew

Back to school is fast approaching and certainly, it has many anxious students dreading not…