Overcoming Anxiety

Learn the many ways you can start overcoming anxiety, safely and naturally. The secret to dealing with and anxiety and panic attacks is to learn coping mechanisms, techniques and ways to calm down when you’re feeling anxious. Eventually, you’ll have so much trust in your anxiety techniques that you’ll begin to fear your triggers less because you know that you can come out of those anxious moments. As times goes on and as you continue to use your anxiety coping mechanisms and become less afraid of your triggers, anxiety begins to stops making an appearance.

At Anxiety Gone, we provide you with all the information, relaxation techniques, coping mechanisms, natural anxiety relief, remedies and information needed so you can begin to regain control of your health and happiness again. With every article and anxiety subscription box, you’ll learn more about overcoming anxiety and ending panic attacks once and for all.

Conquer Social Anxiety: 5 Methods for Overcoming Social Anxiety

The self-hatred, self-doubt, self-consciousness, and insecurity that comes with social anxiety can be wildly deafening.…

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8 Anxiety Tips from an Anxiety Sufferer: Blame the Brain

Oh, Anxiety. Where do we start?  I guess we should start with who we are.…

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8 Reasons Why You’re Not Sleeping Well (+ Digital Cards with Sleeping Tips)

Without proper sleep, the world can appear to be in a haze. Your anxiety can…

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10 Anxiety Tools to Store in your Backpack for Back-To-School Anxiety

If we were to be entirely honest, we can’t imagine the type of back-to-school anxiety…

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Children’s Books About Mental Health That Will Transform Your Nightly Routine

If you’re going to read a bedtime story, you might as well read a children’s…

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My Depression, Anxiety and Postpartum Depression Eventually Saved My Life

Postpartum depression is something rarely seen as a serious mental illness. There’s this misconception that…

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The Stress and Sleep Connection: Understanding How Stress Impacts Your Sleep

You may be aware that stress adversely affects one’s sleep. But what you might not…

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A Panic Attack Abroad Lead Me To My Diagnosis: Courtney’s Story

Traveling with anxiety is no easy feat. One panic attack can quickly deter us from…

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What Can You Actually Do To End The Stigma Instead of Hashtagging?

After losing more than a handful of people to suicide this past year, it’s safe…

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I Discovered The Worst Thing That Can Happen with Anxiety

As an anxiety sufferer, you don’t need me to tell you that it’s the fear…