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I hope you understand the beauty of this notion when I explain that you are a star; that the star dust that is found throughout your physical form is a mirror to the divinity that is within you. You are the universe and the universe is you, and when you acknowledge that, you can begin to use energy healing for anxiety.
The stars fight gravity with their light.
Energy is presence. Your body has 100 billion neurons. A galaxy is within you, and just as each star fights gravity with light, you fight the gravity of fear, doubt, shame and anger with your own light. You are capable of this feat. In fact, you were born for this light and you have every opportunity to shine, but you have to pair your intentions with energy healing for anxiety.
And you can fight gravity with your light.
What is Energy?
“ If there was nothing to stop it, the star would just continue collapsing for millions of years until it became its smallest possible size; maybe as a neutron star. But there is a pressure pushing back against the gravitational collapse of the star: light. The nuclear fusion at the core of a star generates a tremendous amount of energy.”
Cain, 2019 – Interesting Facts About Stars – Universe Today
Energy is in everything; everything is energy. It can be hoarded and stored into the cells or condensed and confined to just a cell within your body, both being a collection of your past, present and future thoughts and experiences – both good and bad. Your energy is mastered by your mind – conscious and unconscious.
It can be a weapon, a crusader, a comfort or used as energy healing for anxiety.
What is Energy Healing for Anxiety?
Energy healing for anxiety can be as simple as using meditation to allow stale, stagnant, blocked or negative energy to be released from the body. It also comes in many other forms, such as reiki, journaling, healing crystals, forest bathing, self-care, etc. all of which create a vibration that soothes stuck energy.
For the sake of keeping this article about energy healing for anxiety uncomplicated, let’s stick with one of the best techniques that requires nothing more than your breath – meditation.
How Can Energy Healing for Anxiety Help You?

Too often, we breathe shallow breaths like we are stuck on auto pilot. We take just enough air to get by, instead of the deep, cleansing and rejuvenating oxygen that we crave.
Meditation is a form of energy healing as the deep breaths allow for an energetic circulation. That is why it is called the breath of life; the sweeping and circulation of the breath allows for the stored energy from our experiences to be lifted, and released from the sensitive body with a deep exhale
To put it into perspective, if I was anxious and only fed myself the shallow breaths which my auto pilot allowed, then my anxiety would remain and be heightened.
I would be trembling and nervous like the horse which was separated from her herd; she would be fearful and suspicious, and wanting to balk at every experience. Deep breathing allows for the breath of life to be the wind in her mane as she discovers the direction to run out of you. She would run, freed from your cell and find that freedom elsewhere. Your breath opens that gate and can free you, and release the frightened energy from captivity.
I like to think of it like the Marvel movies with Storm. The way she uses her intentions to send wind or to part the clouds, that is how I believe, to some extent, we are able to harness our energy. I am going to have to go back through those movies and see if she ever rallied up her force and used it, just for herself. Allowing it to cocoon her, not simply elevate her. I think that would be special. To see her use her own energy to comfort herself. Storm is one of the best examples that I can think of to demonstrate the impact that energy can have when paired with intention.
Anxiety Makes Your Energy Vibrations Shift
When you are depressed, your energy sinks to the ground below your feet. It takes a colossal amount of effort for it to climb back up your body to fill into your tongue, your movements, your heart, and your entire being.
When you feel numb, your energy is likely compressed and locked away into the smallest cell in the back of your mind. It’s unstimulated and not reacting.
When you are anxious, your energy vibrates. It strums with the intensity of a thousand mustangs, wild and breaking through your body. Your energy is ravaged, trampled and helpless in the stampede.
Happiness feels different. Happy energy bubbles from the belly and expands into the heart cavity. It fills your throat and extends throughout your limbs, making the act of dance and celebration to seem instinctual.
Lao Tzu is quoted saying,
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
Why Is Energy Healing Important for Anxiety Warriors?
As humans, we are sensitive which is why it’s crucial that we validate our own inner voice. This is the same “voice” that asks us to go outside or to rest; to dance, or to sleep a little longer. It is the voice of our needs, the natural intelligence that asks us to use our energy in a rewarding way.
If we don’t listen to this voice and find ourselves in situations which do not serve us, then we sacrifice our energy for situations which do not return to us. Our bodies then send the stampede, asking for attention in even more critical ways. Anxiety is just one way that the body calls for these needs.
Energy Healing for Anxiety: Activity
Let’s do a quick energy healing activity that will help you determine how living a life that is aligned (energy is balanced and thriving) will benefit you specifically, and what you would do with it.
- Write a list of (1) ways that you would spend your time and (2) things that you do, if money, time and anxiety was no issue.
- On a separate list, write down what you invest your time and energy in currently.
Once you have these lists, give them a look-over.
3. Ask yourself these questions:
- Where do you currently dedicate your time?
- How many of the activities and practices you wish you could do are you actually doing?
- Why or why not?
- How much time a week do you spend in this mindset of “oh, but I wish I could do this,” or “if I had more funds; more friends; more time, I would do this instead…”?
Often times, we do not give ourselves what we – our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, actually need. This energy healing activity will help you determine what you really need to become balanced, aligned, happy and to live a fulfilling life. Then, you can take the proper steps needed to start providing for true needs.
What is Alignment for Anxiety Relief?
Alignment feels like grace. It is the body aligning with the highest energy, this means to me that the energy in the body is constantly in circulation through the breath and clears out the emotional rememberings stored within our physical forms. Alignment allows for energetic freedom. The ebb and flow of the masculine and feminine energy throughout the body and the consciousness. Alignment is listening to your energy and allowing it to become a clear and beautiful channel to receive what you need – to inspire your creativity, to aid with the healing process, to succeed, to upgrade your life – whatever you want.
It is a clear channel to become whoever you want to be.
How to Become More Aligned?
Alignment happens when you listen to your energy and take actions towards providing yourself with the peace you deserve; peace that comes with finding a beautiful balance between what you need and what you offer yourself.
In my experience, each individual needs a core knowing in his/her life. The knowing that acts as a reminder for the potential in each of us. I want to share my own knowing with you;
You are worthy.
You are enough.
You deserve love.
And in fact, you are the physical form of love.
You are a star.

Mary-Grace is a self-worth coach who empowers women to step into their highest freedom, their expression. Her work nurtures the relationship between the mind, body and spirit to facilitate the inner peace and the confidence that comes with being completely yourself. As an author, coach and retreat facilitator she strives to connect women back to their truest form, love.