
Chronic Loneliness and How It Affects Your Mental Health

Chronic loneliness is a newly classified mental health condition, with many experts and studies confirming…

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Meditation for Depression: What to Avoid and Start for Healing Depression Spiritually

A state of constant sadness that persists for more than fifteen consecutive days, energy outage,…

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The Dangerous Effects Depression Has on Your Body and Overall Wellbeing

If you think depression is all in your head, you’d be mistaken. Not only is…

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Online Therapy for Postpartum Depression is the Ideal Solution

It’s absolutely unrealistic to expect a new mother with postpartum depression to attend traditional therapy…

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49 Tips for Depression to Kick Start The Healing Process

Overcoming depression is no easy feat but it isn’t impossible either. In fact, you can…

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My Depression, Anxiety and Postpartum Depression Eventually Saved My Life

Postpartum depression is something rarely seen as a serious mental illness. There’s this misconception that…

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What Can You Actually Do To End The Stigma Instead of Hashtagging?

After losing more than a handful of people to suicide this past year, it’s safe…

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16 Reasons Why You Can’t Silence 13 Reasons Why Season 2

If 13 Reasons Why season 2 glorifies suicide, than every action film glorifies violence; every…

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Someone Killed Themself Because of Me: What Do I Do?

Someone killed themself because of me has been a recurring comment on the Anxiety Gone…

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Why Language Matters: He Suffered Death by Suicide, He Didn’t “Commit” It

The fabulous Clair (Instagram AnxiouslyFree) has written yet another incredible and incredibly honest post about…

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