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We all feel restless and fidgety from time to time. However, if this kind of state occurs too often, restlessness can interrupt your daily activities and hinder your overall quality of life. Afterall, not being able to feel at ease and relaxed will certainly comes with its struggles. The good news: this article will help you learn about different techniques that can help you soothe or even overcome restlessness.
What is Restlessness?
Restlessness is a state of unease or agitation, where a person feels unable to remain still or calm. It can manifest as both a physical and psychological condition.
Physically, it might involve constant fidgeting, an inability to sit still, or a compulsion to move around.
Psychologically, restlessness can be characterized by an inability to relax, concentrate, or remain at peace with one’s thoughts.
It can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, boredom, or certain medical conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or restless leg syndrome. People experiencing restlessness may find it difficult to sleep or focus on tasks, which can affect their daily life significantly.
What Causes Restlessness?
Restlessness itself is often a symptom of something else, but it can be caused by many things. Usually, it occurs due to anxiety and stress. But it can also be caused by various lifestyle choices such as physical inactivity or too much screen time in a day.
On the other hand, restlessness can be a side effect of antidepressants and other types of medications. Similarly, it is frequently connected with mental health disorders such as depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. It has also been linked to physical conditions like chronic pain, restless leg syndrome, hyperthyroidism, and others.
Restlessness Techniques to Soothe Body and Mind
Let’s look at the following list of ideas that can help you overcome restlessness:
1. Learn to Relax
Resting and relaxing may sound easy, but it is not always like that. If you’re anxious or stressed, just sitting and doing nothing might make you feel even worse. If this is something you’re having trouble with, try to master certain relaxation techniques such as mindful breathing or meditation.
There are also incredible apps that can help you reach your goals in a guided way. Not only that you benefit from the ease that comes from genuine relaxation, but you will also feel a strong sense of accomplishment.
Inward Breathwork offers guided breathwork sessions online, and you can get your first month free here.
According to several different studies, physically active people are less likely to become depressed. So if you were wondering how to find fitness motivation, that should do the trick. Remember that even the simplest forms of aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, or slowly riding your bike can minimize restlessness.
So, the next time you feel restless, try to find a physical activity that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The workout will release the “feel good” chemicals, and it will also keep your fidgety mind occupied for a while.
3. Spend Time Outdoors
Once the feeling of restless starts to develop, leave the house and spend some time outdoors. Doing as little as changing your immediate surroundings and exposing yourself to fresh air can help soothe your agitated mind.
On top of that, while you’re out in nature, you can combine the time with other techniques like doing a quick workout or a calming breathing exercise.
4. Take a Digital Detox
According to researchers at Washington State University, social media can be linked with increased feelings of loneliness, depression, hyperactivity, and inattention. Think about this whenever you try to reach for your smartphone for the sake of escaping restlessness. Instead, consider taking a digital detox. Taking a break from all the apps that take too much of your time will give you a chance to focus on your emotional well-being.
5. Improve Your Sleep
Quality sleep is essential for our mental and physical health, so take the time to analyze your sleep rituals. Pay special attention to the time before you go to bed and the moments right after you wake up.
As for the process itself, it will help a lot if you keep your bedroom comfortable at all times and turn off your devices at least one hour before bedtime. If you already have trouble sleeping, consider using a sleep tracker that can help you discover potential disorders such as sleep apnea that might leave you tired and restless all day long.
6. Use a Fidget Tool
Fidgeting when you’re restless and fidgeting to ease restlessness are two different things. Fidgeting, when done properly, is a powerful tool for calming restlessness and finding peace within. When we fidget, whether it’s spinning the band on an anxiety ring or squeezing a stress ball, we engage our senses and redirect our focus, creating a sense of mindfulness in the present moment. This simple act of movement can help release pent-up energy and tension, allowing us to channel our restlessness into something productive. By engaging in purposeful fidgeting, we activate different areas of the brain, promoting relaxation and reducing feelings of anxiety. So, the next time you feel restless, embrace the power of fidgeting as a pathway to calmness and tranquility.
Dive into our exclusive collection of fidget rings today and discover the soothing embrace of our anxiety rings. Let’s navigate life’s twists and turns together in style.
7. Take Care of Nutrition
The importance of good nutrition can have a huge impact on your mental health, too. For example, if you’re frequently dehydrated, you’re waiting too long between two meals, or you’re simply not getting enough nutrients, you are very likely to start feeling restless.
The condition can be additionally boosted by food or caffeine sensitivity. Also, certain meds and supplements can have side effects that cause emotional and physical discomfort. This is sometimes the case with certain antidepressants and antipsychotics.
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There are times in life when we simply feel like we’re not moving forward as quickly as we think we should. Due to the psychological discomfort, we start experiencing restlessness and stress. Even though this is something we all experience at least occasionally, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to fight it with the strategies provided in this article.
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