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You don’t have to go to all extremities to begin your treatment for anxiety. There’s a common misconception that overcoming anxiety is a complex, drawn out process, but this is not the case. Treatment for anxiety begins with small, simple changes in your life. You can take all the prescription medications in the world but if your lifestyle is not set up for anxiety relief, you’ll never reach your full healing potential.
Simple Changes To Make To Start Your Treatment for Anxiety
There are so many different types of treatment for anxiety with online counselling and traditional therapy being the two options most people think of. Both are amazing and work fabulously when combined with simple lifestyle changes. I highly recommend that everyone begins online counselling for anxiety as soon as possible, as professional help is crucial for your healing. But making small, healthy lifestyle changes is just as important.
Reshaping Your Life with Simple Changes
Online counselling for anxiety helps provide you with deep, psychological healing. The changes I’m sharing with you today help you reshape your habits, so you can create the foundation for a calmer life.
Try New Anxiety Relief Frequently
Explore the horizons, my friends! There’s a ton of amazing anxiety relief, calming items, oils for anxiety, and other types of anxiety help out there on the market and it’s important to try all of them so you can find the ones that work for you. With our anxiety subscription boxes, you don’t even have the find the products or research the different types of treatment for anxiety because we do that for you. Each season, we pick a theme for our calm anxiety subscription boxes and fill it with feel-good anxiety products, hope, help and healing. This is a great way for you to try new anxiety relief and for a fraction of the price it would cost if you were to buy the products on your own. So, explore our anxiety subscription boxes and subscribe to your healing.
Start Taking Regular Baths

Studies show that bathing regularly resulted in less stress, tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and depression.
When you take a warm bath, you are increasing your core body temperature, which strengthens and synchronises your circadian rhythm (sleep wake sleep cycle). Your circadian rhythm is responsible for the daily fluctuations in behaviour and the biochemistry that affect all of your organs, including the brain. For example, your body temperature rising in the day to help you wake up and lowers at night to signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep. By taking regular baths, you can balance your circadian rhythm so it fluctuates properly, so your mind and body respond the way it should day and night.
This is especially important for people with depression, as the circadian rhythm is disrupted or delayed by several hours.
As a bonus, regular baths also helps reduce anxiety as the warm temperature balances mood and promotes relaxation.
Practice Deep Breathing
No matter how trivial it may sound, deep breathing for anxiety is an absolute must. Deep breathing naturally calms your mind and body. It is readily available to you at all times, free, and easy to do. So, start practicing intentional breathing.
This can be as simple as focusing on every inhale and exhale you make for 10-20 minutes each day. Once you have this down pat, explore different breathing techniques for anxiety relief.
Similar to the prior, meditation is free, easy, and available to you at all times. Studies also show that it can reduce anxiety by up to 40%. So, learn how to meditate. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, sit comfortably and breathe deep.
If you’re a beginner, some of my top meditation programs are:
Practice Self Care
Self care is a feel good treatment for anxiety. It can be anything you want, as long as it’s good for your mind, body and spirit (or emotions, if spirit doesn’t resonate with you). In other words, going out for dinner with your ex might put your mind at ease but it is not going to be great for your emotions so it is not self care. Not showing up for work so you can practice self care isn’t going to be great for your mind or lifestyle moving forward so it’s not self care.
Self care can be anything, as long as it serves your mental, physical and emotional health. Here are some self care ideas:
Eliminate Sugar
Sugar is the root of all evil for so many things and it is in EVERYTHING. Stick with natural stuff, such as honey. Pardon the pun. I like to use My Fitness Pal app to see how much sugar the foods I eat have. You’ll be shocked!
Rewire Your Brain With Binaural Audio Tones

I’ve talked a lot about using binaural audio tones as treatment for anxiety because they work. Science has proven that different frequencies played in your ears can rewire your brain.
However, before you head on over to Youtube, I recommend paying for real binaural tones that guarantee you’re getting the right frequencies for anxiety treatment. Anyone can upload an “anti anxiety binaural” video and have it play frequencies that do the opposite, so be wise when selecting where you listen to your binaural tones. I get all of my binaural audio tones from:
Take a Daily Walk
Even if it’s 10 minutes, getting yourself outdoors and in nature for 10 minutes will drastically improve your mental health. This is a struggle for me during the winter because I am not a winter person. I break out in hives from the cold. So, I use a SAD lamp (Seasonal Affective Disorder lamp) when it’s just too bearable to go outside.
Keep Learning
As the saying goes, “knowledge is power”. The more you learn, the better equipped you’ll be to handle anxiety when it comes your way. The best decision I’ve ever made for my healing is to keep reading self help books, whether it’s learning energy healing techniques, attending self growth circles, reading blogs, writing my blogs, or watching self improvement shows – keep learning. Learn everything treatment for anxiety as possible.
Mess equals stress. Get rid of the ‘ish.
Less TV, More Quiet
We all get in the habit of coming home and plopping ourselves on the couch for countless hours of the latest Netflix hit. Guilty as charged, but this mindless activity on a frequent basis is wasting your brain away.
Start by watching one less episode and spending that time stretching or doing yoga or meditating, or going for a walk.
We have a rule in our household, particularly in the summer since it gets dark at 5PM here in the winter; we do not sit down for TV until the sun is down. In the summer, that’s around 9PM… Which is much better than 6pm.
Find Essential Oils You Like
Go to the store, and start sniffing up a storm and find some essential oils for anxiety relief that work for you. I’ve created a list of the best essential oils for anxiety, but there are many more to enjoy. Sniff away, my friends!
Change your Thoughts
Anytime a negative thought comes to your mind or out of your mouth, flip the switch. Practicing positivity rewires your brain and eventually, those negative thoughts won’t come to you so naturally. Instead, your brain will be sending you all kinds of positive things to think about and say, but it takes a bit of effort at first.
Name 3 Things You’re Grateful For
As ridiculous as it may sound, practicing gratitude is my top treatment for anxiety. When I first started practicing, I did not believe a word I was saying. I just moved into my first home and had a three-floor leak the first day, and was feeling so grateful for what I was going through. However, I kept up with it. Every day, I said at least three things I was grateful for. Over time, my brain automatically started finding things to be happy about even in the worst of situations and now, it happens regularly. So, practice gratitude. It might seem silly at first, but it works wonders moving forward.
These simple changes, when practiced regularly, will make a huge difference in your life. Combine them with online counselling for anxiety and you have the ultimate treatment for anxiety, one that provides you with deep inner healing of your past, strategies for today and a calmer lifestyle moving forward.
Get one of our calm boxes for anxiety relief to keep the learning process going and to try new anxiety products each season.
This blog post is sponsored by BetterHelp online therapy, but all opinions are my own. I may receive compensation from BetterHelp or other sources if you purchase products or services through the links provided on this page.