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Without proper sleep, your mind and body simply can’t function properly and using gemstones can help ease the vibration keeping you up all night. While there’s no denying that you need sufficient, restful sleep, especially when learning how to overcome anxiety, sleep doesn’t come naturally for us with an anxious mind. However, with some simple adjustments, you can start implementing steps that improve your sleep. Today, we are discussing the top crystals for sleep is a great way to start improving your nightly routine.
Importance of Sleep for Mental Health
Anxiety can lead to all sorts of sleep problems and unfortunately, sleep problems can cause all types of anxiety. The two go hand-in-hand, as your mind and body need sufficient rest in order to function properly throughout the day but the stress keeps you up all night.
How Sleep Affects Mental Health
Sleep deprivation affects your mental health and psychological state in a variety of ways. While many people can relate to feeling tired or groggy in the mornings, chronic sleep problems affect 50% to 80% of patients receiving treatment for a mental illness, compared to only 10% to 18% of adults in the general population. In other words, sleep problems are a main symptom of anxiety, depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder.
Sleep Plays a Role in Maintaining Mental Health Problems
Research suggests that sleep plays a role in the development and maintenance of mental health problems. Not only can sleep problems lead to changes in your mental health, but your mental health conditions can also worsen without proper sleep. This is precisely why you tend to feel more anxious on those nights where you did not receive sufficient, restorative sleep.
A Lack of Sleep Makes it More Difficult to Manage Stress
A poor sleep can make it significantly more difficult to deal with even the slightest forms of stress. A daily hassle that you would typically be able to manage can quickly become an overbearing source of frustration and anxiety.
Sleep Affects Your Mood Changes
You aren’t just waking up on the wrong side of the best. Failing to get the sleep you need can produce a variety of mood changes, including irritability, anger, frustration,stress and anxiety. What’s important to recognize here is that these mood changes typically wouldn’t occur if you got a restful sleep; you would be more equipped to handle the daily hassles.
Poor Sleep Can Spike Stress
If you struggle with sleep, you can likely relate to the stress that comes from knowing that you can’t get a good night’s rest. Not only does a poor sleep make you more susceptible to experiencing stress and anxiety but it can also become a source of your stress and anxiety. When you haven’t gotten the sleep your mind and body needs, you may find yourself worrying that you aren’t getting enough sleep and that you won’t get enough sleep. This sends you into a spiral of anxiety that can make it even more difficult to get a good night’s sleep.
Depression Can Be Caused By Poor Sleep
You aren’t just waking up miserable because you didn’t get enough sleep. Research suggests that a poor sleep can actually cause depression.
Less Sleep Equals More Anxiety
When you don’t get a good night’s rest, you’re more likely to experience anxiety the following day because of all of these factors mentioned above. And those with mental health problems are more likely to have insomnia or other sleep disorders, creating a vicious cycle that can leave you feel trapped. Coping with daily anxiety and stress becomes much more difficult to deal when you are tired from chronic sleep disturbances.
Coping with Sleep Anxiety
Preliminary approaches for sleep anxiety typically focus on making simple lifestyle changes that can enable a better sleep. This includes avoiding things that interrupt your sleep, such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, while also practicing good sleep habits. You may also wish to speak with a therapist online at Better Help to discuss your sleep hygiene, practices and health.
Some things you can do to improve your sleep:
- Limit napping
- Avoid caffeine and other stimulants close to bedtime
- Establish a fun, nightly routine – self care!
- Turn off all devices approximately 30-60 minutes before you intend to rest
- Take natural sleep supplements
- Listen to a sleep meditation
- Journal and leave your anxious thoughts on paper before trying to sleep
- Use sleep-friendly essential oils, such as lavender or a sleep essential oil blend
- Make the bedroom a comfortable place – the right mattress can make all the difference!
The Best Crystals for Sleep
Let’s dive right into the good vibrations the earth and all of its materials have to offer. Healing crystals radiate a vibration that affect the energy in your mind and body. With the best stones for sleep, you can use their energy to induce relaxation, peace of mind, and a restful night’s rest.
There are a ton of gemstones for sleep, so I’ve narrowed down this list of our top favourites!
Amethyst for settling mind chatter
Known as “The All Purpose Stone”, amethyst is the ultimate stone for anxiety, depression, sleep, spiritual insight, and so much more. This one gemstone does it all and it’s a must for anyone with sleep anxiety or insomnia as it calms the mind and puts you at ease. You can also wear a piece of jewelry, such as an amethyst worry stone, to improve the quality of your sleep. P.S. Our anti-anxiety gemstone bracelet includes a variety of the top crystals for anxiety and sleep, including amethyst, lepidolite, sodalite and lapis lazuli.
Labradorite for balancing brain chemistry
Labradorite is a highly spiritual stone that can help to bring your dreams to life when used for sleep. These beautiful, mysterious stones are said to break up stagnant energy in the body to help you discover what is holding you back (from getting sleep). Labradorite can also be used to balance and replenish your mind as you sleep. Wear this beautiful labradorite necklace during the day and put it in your pillow at night.
Lepidolite for entering a soothing, relaxing state
The one gemstone for anxiety, sleep and depression that everyone should have is lepidolite. Better known as ‘The Peace Stone’, lepidolite produces a soothing and relaxing state, helping you calm the mind and sleep. It is one of most popular stones in our mental wellness shop, as it relieves stress and helps balance the mind, body, and spirit. You also wake up feeling optimistic and happy when you sleep with lepidolite!
Rose Quartz for pleasant dreams
Rose quartz is an excellent gemstone for sleep, particularly if your heart is heavy and your emotions are keeping you up all night long. It’s a healing crystal that is commonly used to induce love of all kind. This includes self-love, platonic love, romantic love – you name it. By healing and calming your own heart, you can slip into a peaceful sleep. Plus, using a rose quartz gua sha and facial roller before bed is the perfect dose of self care!
Moonstone for absorbing bad dreams and energy
With a name like moonstone, you just can’t go wrong with this sleep crystal. Similar to rose quartz, moonstone is commonly used to help absorb loving and healing energy, which can promote calmness. This allows you to obtain the energy and vibrations you need to get a soothing night’s rest. So, it comes as no surprise that moonstone has been used to cure sleeplessness for thousands of years. Place our Moon Goddess incense holder on your bedside table, light a sleep-friendly incense and let the energy encourage a better night’s rest.
Selenite for a peaceful sleep
Selenite is another one of the best calming items for sleep. It’s a calming and clearing stone that helps remove anything unwanted, such as toxic energies, as well as negative thoughts and emotions. Many experts suggest keeping them under the foot of the bed to increase its grounding and balancing vibrations.
How to Use Gemstones for Sleep?
Using sleep crystals is an easy and effortless way to improve your nightly rest. Here are some simple ways you an begin to use your sleep crystals as a natural sleep aid:
- Place your sleep crystals under your pillow
- Meditate with your sleep-friendly gemstones before bed
- Place these crystals on your bedside table
- Incorporate crystals into your nightly routine, such as by using the rose quartz facial roller
- Recharge them in the moonlight
Healing crystals are amazing for pretty much everything you can imagine. They’ve been used for thousands of years to treat various illnesses and ailments, but they’ve become somewhat of a lost art since pharmaceuticals came along. Fortunately, the world is shifting back to spirituality, energy healing and natural relief, which has also brought back the use of healing crystals for sleep, anxiety, depression and anything else you need.
Please reach out to a mental health professional if you suspect that your sleep problems might be caused by or are contributing to your mental health condition.
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