7 Things to Do in the Middle of a Panic Attack to Instantly Calm Down

Panic attacks are the worst feeling in the world – end of story. It feels like your body is at war with your mind and you’re the only soldier left fighting at the front lines. As panic rises, your body…

17 Best Healing Stones for Anxiety

If you’re looking for something that will help with anxiety, look no further. Natural stones for anxiety have been used to channel different energies to help all types of illnesses and diseases. However, before I get into that, I want…

Types Of Anxiety Disorders That May Be Affecting Your Mental Health

Anxiety is a natural response to stress, and in some cases, it can actually be helpful. For instance, it can serve as an early warning sign of potential dangers and prompt us to take necessary precautions. However, anxiety disorders go…

17 Helpful Things to Say to Someone With Depression

You see all these posts about what not to say to someone with depression. However, what not to say isn’t near as important as the words you can use to help someone through their emotional turmoil. It’s much more about what to…

22 Best Essential Oils for Treating Depression Naturally

You’re not the first person to be uneasy about taking medications to treat depression and fortunately, this has resulted in many people talking about the best essential oils for depression. And it’s about time. You don’t deserve to suffer, nor…

13 Best Oils for Curing Anxiety Naturally

Forget about taking medications to treat your panic disorder because all you need are the best oils for anxiety. This natural treatment has been brought into the limelight lately, as more people strive to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. But…

14 People Get Real AF and Explain What Depression Feels Like

Summing up the question what depression feels like is pretty much impossible. There are various forms of depression and everyone experiences it differently. However, in hopes to giving you a better understanding of what depression feels like, that you’re not alone and what…

5 of the Best Online Anxiety Treatment Everyone Can Afford and Do At Home

Anxiety treatment can be expensive but that doesn’t mean there aren’t affordable cures aren’t available. You just have to get a little creative with your search. To save you some time and stress, I’ve done all of the research to…

21 People Explain What It’s Actually Like to Have Anxiety

Recently, I asked my audience on Facebook what does anxiety feels like. We all know what the definition of anxiety is, as per the dictionary; we all know it’s a feeling of intense fear but I wanted to  show the true…

39 Things You Can Do Instead of Committing Suicide

In every way imaginable, I understand how the suicide option seems like the only way to get the pain to stop. That’s the power of this mental illness. Depression can make you think, see, believe and even hear things that…