13 Ways to Ease Seasonal Affective Disorder Naturally

Hating the winter is one thing; having Seasonal Affective Disorder is another. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer and slump through the dark and dreary season. There are many treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder that are…

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder & How Is It Affecting You

If you’re convinced your depression and anxiety gets worse during a particular season, especially during winter, you may very well be dealing with seasonal affective disorder. Although this mental illness is far less talked about than the others and is…

What Do You Say to Someone Suicidal?

I woke up this morning to a message about the suicide of a far-distant cousin and I thought, “What do you say to someone suicidal?” This comes only days after the 1-year-anniversary of my brother’s last attempt and the topic…

27 Things To Say When Parenting a Child with Anxiety

Just when you think you’ve got this whole parenting thing down, you realize you’re parenting a child with anxiety. The turmoil of emotions begins as soon as you realize your little one isn’t just experiencing regular nervousness. How is my child…

Unleashing the Power of Meditation for Anxiety Relief

Meditation is a practice that can intentionally alter the course of consciousness, leading to a shift in perception and response to the world. Scientific research has shown that meditation can have significant physiological and psychological effects, such as produces positive…

Using Lava Stones For Anxiety Make Coping Easier

You don’t have to be a big believer of much, but you do have to believe that coping with anxiety can be done. In fact, you can achieve natural anxiety relief without the drugs, downers, prescription, pill bottle, booze bottle…

Creating a Soothing Ambiance with Himalayan Salt Lamps

If the captivating glow of Himalayan salt lamps has you intrigued to add a couple to your home, you’ll be happy to know that the benefits go far beyond what meets the eye. Nestled within the heart of the majestic…

Help and Hope for your Nerves: It’s an Oldie But a Goodie for Anxiety Help!

Throughout the years suffering from panic attacks, I’ve had the opportunity to read a lot of anxiety help books that provide tips and tools on how to cope with anxiety. Well, who am I kidding “opportunity”? I read these books in…

Parents, Your Child’s Anxiety Attacks are Being Controlled By Your Reactions

You just drove across town to go to shopping with your kid, only to arrive and have them say they’re sick when you know darn well it’s just a dose of anxiety attacks or anxious feelings that they’re experiencing. You…

Eat Your Way to Calm: Anti-Anxiety Foods To Add Into Your Diet

Are you tired of letting anxiety dictate how you feel every day? What if the solution to a calmer mind is as simple as changing what’s on your plate? Believe it or not, the foods you eat can play a…