Managing Anxiety During Covid 19: Providing Peace of Mind through Blood Oxygen

When it comes to Covid, managing anxiety can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Tracking medical advice, worrying about friends and family, and stressing about the sickness can prove to be powerful triggers. Thankfully, there is one factor that can potentially…

How Complaining Is Making Your Mental Health Worse

Let’s talk about complaining. We all do it and there’s nothing wrong with letting off some steam. This is particularly true since you shouldn’t hold in how you’re feeling. However, it’s important to avoid making complaining a habit because chronic…

How To Embrace Change and Accept Fear

Anxiety is fear and fear is often stemmed by uncertainty and change. But change is inevitable and we are living through a period right now where every day comes with a hefty dose of uncertainty. We don’t know what’s changing…

How to Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help

Watching someone struggle with their mental health from the sidelines can be an excruciating experience – for the both of you. You desperately want to help, but you don’t know how or worse, they don’t want help or have no…

Treatment For Anxiety: Simple Changes For Daily Anxiety Relief

You don’t have to go to all extremities to begin your treatment for anxiety. There’s a common misconception that overcoming anxiety is a complex, drawn out process, but this is not the case. Treatment for anxiety begins with small, simple…

Self Reflection Questions For Anxiety to Track Your Progress

Failing to see your individual progress is one of the biggest mistakes many of us anxiety warriors make. It’s easy to overlook the powerful steps you’ve taken throughout the year when your mind always takes you to a place of,…

8 Ways to Rewire Your Brain to Be Happier

With all the new studies proving that your brain can be rewired learn how to be happier and more positive through neuroplasticity, chances are you’re ready to jump at the opportunity. So, I’ve gathered the most effective ways to rewire…

Healing Without Medication: Strength, Courage & Badassness

I was not always a positive or happy person. In fact, I was possibly the antithesis of everything those words stand for. Bitter, jaded, sarcastic, brooding, apathetic. I was the kind of person who always had an excuse for why…

A Stress-Free Celebration: Effective Ways to Tackle Holiday Stress and Anxiety

As the holiday season approaches, a time traditionally associated with joy and celebration, many find themselves contending with a less festive companion—holiday stress and anxiety. From the pressures of social engagements to the stress of gift-giving and the whirlwind of…

11 Quotes That’ll Give You The Courage to Start Online Therapy

Contemplating therapy is the first step in your journey towards emotional and mental wellness. Now, you just need to make the decision to finally commit to starting online therapy. And because I understand just how important therapy is for overcoming…