49 Tips for Depression to Kick Start The Healing Process

Overcoming depression is no easy feat but it isn’t impossible either. In fact, you can start making some changes within your life right now to start decreasing those horrible feelings that have been weighing you down all this time. While there’s…

48 Tips for Anxiety That Will Change Your Life

There’s certainly no shortage of tips for anxiety that you can implement into your life right now to improve your overall mental health. While most of these anxiety tips can be elaborated on, we’ve created this list for you to…

Trauma Release Exercises: Let Go In Your Mind and Body

Some situations and circumstances are painful, difficult, and seemingly unbearable. Trauma affects us in many ways – physically, emotionally and mentally. The pain sits in our tissues and if ignored, it can result in negative energy being stuck in your…

Evidence-Based Anxiety Tools and Techniques for Preventing Anxiety

When it comes to anxiety management, a powerful strategy combines both prevention and coping techniques. It’s about having the right anxiety tools at your disposal to navigate those anxious moments, while also implementing effective methods to ward off anxiety altogether.…

11 Happy Habits to Improve your Mental Health

Happiness is a choice. I know people don’t like to hear it, and it’s not meant to take away from the seriousness of depression and other mental illnesses, but happiness is very much a conscious choice. It’s not always an…

Panic Away Program: The Top Online Anxiety Relief Program

Panic Away is the top online anxiety relief program available. So, naturally, we had to check it out and see if it was something we think you guys should try. For starters, we can say that it’s definitely an incredible…

13 Proven Steps to Overcoming Social Phobia and Finding Yourself Again

Social anxiety is unlike any other type of anxiety. It’s an intense fear of interactions with other people and often comes with constant worry, anxiety, feelings of self-consciousness and/or feeling like you’re being negatively judged. Overtime, the anxiety can lead…

From Mat to Mind: Best Types of Yoga for Anxiety and Depression

Taking care of your mind, body and spirit are vital to overcoming anxiety, which makes yoga one of the most valuable things you can have. It’s free and it’s powerful, whatever the styles you do. However, there are some styles of yoga…