24 Positively Powerful Affirmations for Holiday Anxiety

When in doubt this holiday season, repeating positive affirmations for holiday anxiety can give you the boost you need to get through this time of year. And all that’s required of you is nothing more than to read the positive…

A Stress-Free Celebration: Effective Ways to Tackle Holiday Stress and Anxiety

As the holiday season approaches, a time traditionally associated with joy and celebration, many find themselves contending with a less festive companion—holiday stress and anxiety. From the pressures of social engagements to the stress of gift-giving and the whirlwind of…

11 Quotes That’ll Give You The Courage to Start Online Therapy

Contemplating therapy is the first step in your journey towards emotional and mental wellness. Now, you just need to make the decision to finally commit to starting online therapy. And because I understand just how important therapy is for overcoming…

Winter Activities for Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder

They aren’t called the Winter Blues by coincidence! Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of mental illness that causes a spike in depression and anxiety during a specific season. For most people, this occurs during the winter months when the…

Doing Therapy Online Makes the Most Sense for Anxiety Sufferers

Walking into a therapy session as an anxiety sufferer is not only intimidating but it is also incredibly overwhelming, which is why doing therapy online makes the most sense. It’s quite unrealistic to expect an anxiety sufferer to attend traditional…

Dear Parents, Ignoring Your Child Showing Signs of Anxiety Is Only Making It Worse

As parents, we tend to ignore the behaviour we don’t want to encourage for fear of making it worse, such as whining, complaining, lying, and exaggerating the truth. Unfortunately, ignoring your child showing signs of anxiety for fear of feeding…

Magnesium for Anxiety – What you Need to Know

You may be wondering if something as simple as a magnesium supplement could actually do anything to help manage anxiety and the answer is, YES! It’s one of my favourite supplements for mental health. So, wonder no more. Here is…

Quick Relaxation Techniques That Can Instantly Decrease Anxiety

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “How do I stop a panic attack quickly?” And the answer is far more complex than what any of us want to hear. The short answer? We can’t our fingers…

The Many ‘What Ifs’ of an Anxiety Warrior

We asked what’s your anxiety what if, and you guys delivered. Let’s take a look at the type of anxiety what if moments every warrior has, and hopefully by the end of this article, you’ll feel slightly less alone –…

Clinically Proven Benefits of Weighted Blankets for Anxiety

Certainly by now you’ve heard about weighted blankets. But like myself, you’re likely wondering how a slightly heavy blanket can do anything for your mental health. Today, we’re going to go through the clinically proven benefits of weighted blankets for…