Doing Therapy Online Makes the Most Sense for Anxiety Sufferers

Walking into a therapy session as an anxiety sufferer is not only intimidating but it is also incredibly overwhelming, which is why doing therapy online makes the most sense. It’s quite unrealistic to expect an anxiety sufferer to attend traditional…

Dear Parents, Ignoring Your Child Showing Signs of Anxiety Is Only Making It Worse

As parents, we tend to ignore the behaviour we don’t want to encourage for fear of making it worse, such as whining, complaining, lying, and exaggerating the truth. Unfortunately, ignoring your child showing signs of anxiety for fear of feeding…

Magnesium for Anxiety: The Natural Calm You’ve Been Searching For

Dealing with anxiety can be overwhelming and like many of us out there, you too are likely on the search for effective solutions that don’t come with a laundry list of side effects. Turning to nature’s remedies, like magnesium supplements,…

14 Simple Yet Powerful Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety Relief

To effectively combat anxiety, it’s essential to trigger your body’s natural relaxation response. This can be done using relaxation techniques, like deep breathing, visualization, meditation, and yoga. Relaxation techniques are excellent tools for stress management and anxiety relief, as they…

The Many ‘What Ifs’ of an Anxiety Warrior

We asked what’s your anxiety what if, and you guys delivered. Let’s take a look at the type of anxiety what if moments every warrior has, and hopefully by the end of this article, you’ll feel slightly less alone –…

Weighted Blanket Benefits: A Cozy Solution for Better Mental Health

By now, you’ve likely heard all the rage about weighted blankets… and you’ve also likely wondered how a blanket could possibly provide the incredible benefits these cozy accessories have been hailed for. After all, it’s just a blanket right? Well, not…

The Best Ashwagandha Supplements for Improving Sleep Zzz

Ever find yourself tossing and turning all night, unable to catch those elusive Zs you so desperately need? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep, and the frustration can be overwhelming. But what…

9 Powerful Life Lessons from 100 Year Olds

Powerful Life Lessons By Greg Thurston Creator of 7 Minute Mindfulness  Watching videos of centurions, you start to see a theme – they all seem content.  That might be shocking to younger people, especially anyone who fears old age. Perhaps…

17 Gift Ideas for Mental Health Under $10

The holidays are fast approaching and it’s time to gift your loved ones with something special. But do you know what’s better than just any gift? Gifts that help them achieve ultimate happiness and health – mental, physical and emotional.…

Online Therapy for Postpartum Depression is the Ideal Solution

It’s absolutely unrealistic to expect a new mother with postpartum depression to attend traditional therapy sessions. You’ve got a little one who needs all of your time and attention and you’re struggling to simply make it through each day; getting…

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