10 Anxiety Tools to Store in your Backpack for Back-To-School Anxiety

If we were to be entirely honest, we can’t imagine the type of back-to-school anxiety kids and teens feel nowadays. So, we wanted to make sure you guys, teens and children with anxiety, have the best tools for alleviating anxiety…

Health Anxiety: How I Managed When It All Came Crashing Down

After struggling with health anxiety since becoming a Mom, long time friend of Anxiety Gone’s owner met her biggest fear. What will surprise you about the following story is that, had Tanya listened to everyone telling her “it’s just your…

Struggling With Anxiety as a Teenager: Molly’s Story

Being a teenager is tough; being a teenage girl is even tougher and being a teenage girl with regular teenage anxiety and an anxiety disorder, and life can seem unbearable. This is Molly’s Story. My First Dose of a Teenage…

The Gentle Power of Yoga: A Therapeutic Approach for Trauma Release

Trauma can often feel like a shadow following us through life, impacting our mental and physical well-being in profound ways. However, there is a powerful method to not only confront this shadow but also to dispel it—Trauma Release Exercises (TRE).…

How to Boost Serotonin Levels For Natural Anxiety Relief

Serotonin is the “don’t worry, be happy” brain chemical that plays a major role in your overall mental health and wellness. When it’s too low, it can increase feelings of anxiety, irritability and negativity, which can result in depression, irregular…

8 Affordable Ways to Declutter and Make Any Home a Calm Space

Whether you’re looking to create a calm space in your home to optimizing your meditation or simply want to transform your living area to alleviate negative energy, you’ve come to the right place.  Here are Anxiety Gone, we are strong…

8 Steps to Letting Go and Moving on From The Past

Oh, the art of letting go. We recently shared what we would tell our younger selves with on our Instagram feed, and it sparked a lot of questions regarding how to move on from the past. So, we created a…

How to Boost Dopamine: 14 Ways to Increase Dopamine Naturally

Everyone could benefit from a healthy boost of dopamine, especially when battling mental illness or a mental health concern, as dopamine is your “happy hormone” and plays a direct role in how you feel. The best part? Learning how to…

Children’s Books About Mental Health That Will Transform Your Nightly Routine

If you’re going to read a bedtime story, you might as well read a children’s book about mental health that checks off all of the boxes. Books have the power to teach your child far more than just how to…

Selecting the Best Quality CBD Products for Anxiety and Depression

The CBD market is seeing a lot of activity lately as more and more states are slowly starting to legalize it. CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is a THC-free compound of marijuana and hemp. In other words, CBD products for…