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14 Fun and Calming Toys for Kids That Go Beyond Fidget Spinners

Oh, fidget spinners! Kids love them… Parents and teachers absolutely loathe them.  Calming toys for…

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Exploring the World of CBD Products: A Guide to Different Types of CBD to Try

With the increase in popularity of CBD products, we’ve seen everyone and their neighbour producing…

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Exploring The Top Natural Anxiety Supplements and Their Effects

With such a wide variety of natural anxiety supplements on the market, it can be…

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7 Powerful Sensory Solutions for Kids That Help With Anxiety

Sensory techniques have gained recognition as an effective way to support children’s development, particularly those…

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5 Ways Cannabidoil is Beneficial for Anxiety Disorders

For people who struggle with various forms of anxiety, there is a new all-natural hope…

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The 7 Best Self-Help Books for Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Relief

It’s hard to heal from anxiety if you don’t know what’s going on. That’s why…

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A Piece of Jewelry That Can Save Your Life

Sadly, statistics show that 1 in every 5 women will be attacked at some point…

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The DARE Program: A Simple & Effective Tool for Managing Anxiety

Welcome to the empowering world of the DARE program, a transformative approach to overcoming anxiety.…

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A Personal Diary of a CBD Oil User: Is it Really Mother Nature’s Xanax?

There’s been a lot of talk about using CBD oil for anxiety lately. More and…

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Light Therapy for Mental Health: 9 Essential Things to Know Before Using a SAD Light

With the year dipping deeper into the dark and dreary days of winter – and…